Filters of Light and Gaze
Focus - The on-going research on architectural filters started in 2005 and continues today, after the milestone of the Doctoral Dissertation in May 2014 at the School of Architecture of Madrid - ETSAM, Polytechnic University of Madrid - UPM, awarded Summa Cum Laude.
Production - After multiple lectures and articles, a compilatory book is currently in progress.
Matter and Perception
Focus - This on-going research stems from the core exploration on filters, and focuses on the active role of matter in the perceptive experience of space, and the ways this interaction defines the character of the place.
Production - A number of seminars have led to the homonymous exhibition at the School of Architecture and Planning, University at Buffalo, State University of New York.
An article and an exhibition are currently under preparation.
Memory, Time, and Identity
Focus - Connected or disconnected from the notions of matter and perception, the aspects of memory and time are critical in the understanding of the local and the production of the identity of a place.
Production - An article and an exhibition are currently under preparation.
Magnetized Spaces
Focus - This research explores the relevance of urban voids that host the memory of the contemporary city. These voids are generally connected with citizen's expression, forms of culture, and ultimately, with different forms of tourism, of which everyday tourism becomes a specific aspect of the exploration.
With Prof. Mara Sánchez Llorens
Production - A series of articles have been published, and a book is under development.
Natural and Artificial: Effect and Mimesis
Focus - The architect has taken nature as a model for centuries, tracing two general lines of approach to architectural design: one that reinterprets natural structures in a direct way, and one that explores the potential of natural materials as a means to propose new structures and spaces. While the former represents a recurring architectural presence, as their production is visually and conceptually understandable by a larger public, the latter may be less common, making up a range of unexpected solutions since their application is limited mainly to purely natural resources or environments producing exercises of architectural nature.
Production - The on-going research has been published by the AR Journal in Spain in 2018.
Cartography of Creative Processes
Focus - This research focuses on aspects of emotion and creation in two parallel figures: Josef Albers (1888-1976) and Mathias Goeritz (1915-1990). Five points organize the study: travel, landscape, matter, emotion, and Mexico.
With Prof. Mara Sánchez Llorens
Production - The on-going research has produced an exhibition at the School of Architecture and Planning, University at Buffalo, State University of New York.
Awarded: New York State Council for the Arts (NYSCA) research grant.
Architectural Practice
Focus - This on-going research develops a thinking / discussion platform on the different forms of approach to architectural design. Such intimate reflection is collected in the form of essays that are then compiled periodically. These books offer a unique view that celebrates a triple approach, research, teaching, and practice, in each of the offices that collaborate with the collection.
With Daniel Gimeno
Production - The complete series will have between 5 and 10 books, with an intended compilatory final volume that will conclude the sequence. Volumes IV and V are currently in progress.